Optional Vaccination Scheme Operative
People in Denmark now have access to two vaccines that were shelved.
An alternate vaccination program, offering people in Denmark access to the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, is now in force. Late last night, Denmark’s Health Minister Magnus Heunicke signed an executive order enabling the optional vaccination scheme. It allows a private provider to administer the vaccines to anyone who doesn’t want to wait to be called by the state vaccination program.
Anyone wanting a shot at the AstraZeneca or Johnson & Johnson vaccine will have to consult with a doctor and be issued a prescription to get vaccinated.
The executive order also states that under this optional system “children and adolescents under the age of 16 or 18 as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women in general, cannot be offered vaccination.”
Heunicke says doctors must inform anyone wanting the vaccines that neither is recommended by the Danish National Health Board, that there are risks of serious side effects, and what symptoms to be on look out for after vaccination. Then, the person must give their informed consent to the doctor.
“With the establishment of the optional scheme, the population will now have the opportunity to be vaccinated with the vaccines from AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, which are not included in the general Danish vaccination program. Thus, it will soon be a real opportunity for the individual citizen to choose a faster vaccination than one will be able to get through the state vaccination program. This will be done after a consultation with a doctor, where you get thorough information and must give informed consent if you want to make use of the scheme. There is broad political support for the scheme, which is another important element of our vaccination efforts.”
It is expected that the first consultation and vaccination under the alternate scheme will take place “in a very short time.”
A contract with the private provider charged with administering the optional vaccination scheme is expected to be signed this week. As laid out by the executive order, the provider must make sure all protocols are followed for a safe vaccination, including “at the vaccination site, it must be ensured that there is a contingency in place that can handle severe allergic reactions.”
Anyone wanting to take this vaccination route will have to contact the private provider directly.
Denmark dropped both AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines due to rare but severe side effects that have results in deaths, including one in Denmark.