Denmark plans fall return to normal
Virtually all restrictions and use of the vaccine passport system to be gradually lifted
Prepare to say goodbye to wearing a mask as a majority of the parties in the Danish Parliament has reached an agreement to return to almost normal by the fall. While mask and visor mandates will be lifted, there will be more of a reliance on using the coronapas although it too, will also begin to be phased out.
Basically, the agreement lays out a plan to lift virtually all restrictions by September 1 except for nightlife venues, large outdoor and indoor events, and travel to and from Denmark.
The details are below.
June 11th
The assembly ban is raised to 100 for indoor events.
The outdoor assembly ban is abolished.
Restaurants can extend opening hours and the sale of alcohol to midnight.
Alcohol sales in the retail sector are also extended to midnight.
June 14th
All mask and visor restrictions will be lifted EXCEPT for public transport.
All retail stores, shopping malls, and fast food restaurants can reopen all common areas and playgrounds.
The phasing out of the coronapas begins. The requirements will be rescinded in places considered to have the least risk of infection, so for example libraries, leisure facilities, Folkeuniversitetet, and aftenskoler.
Daycares, primary schools, SFOs, continuing education, adults and youth education, universities, and colleges can all return to normal operations. However twice a week testing requirements for primary schools and up will remain in place. Those who are vaccinated or who have a previous infection are exempt.
Daycares can remove coronavirus restrictions down to a “basic level” with focus on hygiene, cleaning, and ensuring indoor areas are well ventilated.
Testing requirements for physically being at work are adjusted and move to the coronapas system. However the twice a week testing requirements remains in place for people who work in healthcare, social care, and in some housing facilities. Only those who are fully vaccinated, two weeks after a second dose, are exempt.
June 16th
The issues around entry for tourists “should be clarified.”
July 1st
The assembly ban is raised to 250 for indoor events
All indoor social distancing and spacing requirements for indoor dining at restaurants and eateries is abolished.
The coronapas changes so that a negative PCR tests now lasts 96 hours instead of the previous 72.
July 15th
Restaurants can extend opening hours until 2am. Alcohol sales are also relaxed accordingly.
August 1st
The assembly ban is abolished entirely.
Social distancing requirements for eating in restaurants etc is eased to 2m2 when seated.
Coronapas requirements are lifted for events with fewer than 2,000 spectators, as well as movie theatres, zoos, amusement parks, markets, animal shows, fairs, conferences, museums, and outdoor sports including football matches.
Testing requirements are lifted at efterskoler, daghøjskoler, ungdoms - voksenuddannelser, videregående uddannelser, and folkehøjskoler.
September 1st
All remaining mandated use of masks/visors is abolished.
All remaining restrictions on restaurant opening hours, alcohol sales, and indoor social distancing is abolished.
Discos, nightclubs, and other nightlife venues can reopen. A coronapas is required to enter but no other restrictions apply.
All requirements for hand sanitizer and COVID signage for retail and all other indoor areas is lifted.
Retail and grocery stores 2,000 m2 and larger can remove all caps on the number of customers allowed inside.
Coronapas requirements largely come to an end except for nightlife venues and some indoor and outdoor events.
All testing requirements for physically being at work and for those whom work in a daycare is rescinded EXCEPT for anyone who is not vaccinated.
October 1st
The coronapas requirement for nightlife venues like discos and dance clubs is lifted.
Coronapas requirements for events with more than 2,000 spectators will be lifted.
As always, the agreement stipulates that if infections explode again or a new and very concerning variant(s) arrive, all of this can go out the window and restrictions can be reintroduced.
The parties have also decided that the number of spectators in the EURO 2020 matches can increase to 25,000. Officials have asked to make sure this can be done and if so how and when it could happen.
The agreement also continues to make financial relief available for companies who “continue to experience a significant decline in revenue due to activity-reducing restrictions and / or gradual recurring activity.” Compensation and aid packages will remain open until at least September 30.
Minister of Health Magnus Heunicke:
"The infection is on the way down, 2.5 million people have received at least one vaccination bite and the good weather is working in our favor. Therefore, we have now agreed with the parties on a significant reopening, where all restrictions will be phased out and completely lifted by September 1, with the exception of the coronapas, which will still apply in some areas. As early as next week, we will drastically cut back on the use of masks, and from Saturday we will extend the opening hours at restaurants. At the same time, however, it is important that we continue to monitor the infection and crack down on local outbreaks, so that we maintain epidemic control. Here, coronapas is an important tool, and the phasing out of coronapas will therefore take place gradually over the summer. ”
You can find the full agreement, in Danish, HERE.